Our commitments
The company is more than ever a driver of impact to make things change. Our daily mission is to ensure the economic sustainability of our company, while maintaining strong commitments to social and environmental purposes. Discover some of the many commitments that make up our philosophy.

You can say that alone you go faster, but it is clear that with others you will go further.
We have already heard more original, but this is totally true. We are a small team and it is thanks to your support, as well as that of our collaborators and partners, that we are able to keep our commitments and develop new projects every day.

Logistics is a major ecological issue, so we are very proud to work with one of the first carbon-neutral warehouses!
The building and all the facilities are designed for minimum energy expenditure and more sustainable operations: photovoltaic power plant on the roof, heating by heat pump, LED lighting with presence detection, planting of more than 60 trees on the site and protection of biodiversity (nesting boxes, planting of local plant species, etc.).

Our shipping boxes for your web orders are made in the Parisian region, from recycled and recyclable kraft.
It is the case for all of our packagings which are made from recyclable paper or from sustainably managed forests and printed with the Imprim’vert label.

You probably don't know it, but the La Poste group, group, of which Colissimo is a part, is the first major postal operator to ensure full carbon neutrality of its offers by financing numerous carbon offset projects in several countries around the world to offset the all CO2 emissions linked to transport.

And because compensation is not enough, Colissimo makes daily efforts to deliver more respectful of the environment with the world's first fleet of electric vehicles, the optimization of bulk loads, eco-driving, environmental standards for buildings...

Recycling is a central value of Kerzon's vision, which is why, beyond the use of packaging made 100% from the recycling of household waste (cans, bottles, cardboard boxes, etc.), we are implementing numerous daily actions to close the loop.

To reduce the waste of resources and limit our waste even further, we offer a wide range of products that can be refilled in bulk.
-> Keep your favorite products' empty bottles to fill them at will and reuse them endlessly by coming to our Parisian boutique.

All of our bottles are fully recyclable and we work with local businesses, such as Les Joyeux Recycleurs, to sort and recycle waste from our store and offices.
This recycling service allows us to recycle our office waste, support the development of social inclusion for all, and certify that recycling is 100% made in France.

To adopt the best practices of bulk sales, Réseau Vrac, the only professional organization dedicated to the democratization of bulk in France.
This association was created to structure and develop the sector, in order to offer you a quality, sustainable and responsible service, in compliance with health standards.
The association campaigns every day at a national level to influence the action of public authorities, and thus encourage the sale of products without primary packaging.

For the manufacture of our scented sachets and certain stages in the manufacture of our care products, we regularly collaborate with ESATs (Support establishments and services based on the work).
They were created with the aim of contributing to the fight against the exclusion and discrimination of people with disabilities. The establishment provides them medico-social and educational support, in a living environment that promotes their personal development as well as their social integration.

We regularly provide support to numerous committed associations, whose demands and projects are close to our values:
- Donations to APHP to support hospitals and nursing staff,
- Solidarity sales Collab For Love and WeGive Collab health awareness with Info-Endométriose, ocean protection with Surf Rider,...),
- Donations of products during the "Grandes Braderies de la Mode", the profits of which go to AIDES,
- Transfer of part of our profits to Élémentaire Foundation engaged in the education of children and against social determinism.

1st network representing companies in the cosmetics sector in France, Cosmed represents all professions in the cosmetics sector (own brands, manufacturers, suppliers of ingredients, laboratories, etc.) and promotes relations between all these players.
It is a major network that cannot be ignored because it allows the sector to be supported and represented in France and abroad, with the authorities in charge of marketing. Its contributions and scientific positions are internationally recognized.
Our Cosmed membership assures you of safe and effective products, developed within a very strict regulatory framework.

We understand your high expectations, which is why we are committed to organizations such as the IFRA (International Fragrance Association), which has developed a method of certification and control of perfumes used in cosmetics, detergents and all manufactured products.
We respect all the criteria (concentration, presence of allergens, vegan, etc.) to ensure respectful and safe care.
We work for months and sometimes several years, hand in hand with our laboratories, to select the most beautiful materials and create innovative, effective, and respectful formulations, with a maximum of naturalness. Our formulations are then studied for several months to ensure your safety, they undergo numerous tests, the compatibility with the packaging is challenged in extreme conditions.
Regularly offering you new products is our passion, but your safety and pleasure are our priorities.

Our laboratories are declared to the ANSM (Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament et des produits de santé).
They are certified and approved in accordance with the requirements of ISO 22716: 2007 which gives guidelines for the production, control, storage, shipping of cosmetic products and imposes traceability of all raw materials as well as the supervision of Good Manufacturing Practices.
Adopting the best social and environmental practices is above all a matter of values and commitments.
We do not need the recognition of certifications, labels or standards to justify our choices. We develop our products in an approach of transparency, accuracy, and quality, obtaining certifications and paying labels is only an additional communication tool, which we prefer to do without in favor of investments in research and development of qualitative and effective formulas for our future treatments !!

We continue to get involved on a daily basis with associations and committed stakeholders, advocating complete transparency on products and defending strong social values, to continue to grow the Kerzon family with involvement, commitment and passion <3